Theme For Windows 11 21H2 + 22H2 + 23H2+ 24H2.
Compatible for both x64 & x86 system
- How to install
– For using this theme first you need install UltraUXThemePatcher [link]
– Copy all file in “Theme” folder to “%windir%/Resources/Themes”.
– You Need Install OldNewExplorer (Setting Install like picture “OldNewExplorer Setting”).
– Open personalize panel and apply theme.
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Windows 12 Theme For Windows 11
Support DPI 100%, 125%, 150%, 175% 200%, 225%, 250% Scaling
Have 12 Version + Icon Pack:
Windows 12 Black
Windows 12 Black Minimal
Windows 12 Blue
Windows 12 Blue Minimal
Windows 12 Red
Windows 12 Red Minimal
Windows 12 Green
Windows 12 Green Minimal
Windows 12 Cyan
Windows 12 Cyan Minimal
Windows 12 Pink
Windows 12 Pink Minimal
Windows 12 Orange
Windows 12 Orange Minimal
Windows 12 Purple
Windows 12 Purple Minimal
+ Windows 12 Icon Pack
(Buy at only $9.99)
+ Windows 12 Icon Pack
(Buy at only $9.99)
Gallery Windows 11 Themes [link]
Gallery Windows 10 Themes [link]
Cleodesktop Theme Store
Gallery Windows 11 Themes [link]
Gallery Windows 10 Themes [link]
Cleodesktop Theme Store