Theme For All Windows10 Versions 1607, 1703, 1709, 1803, 1809, 1903, 1909, 2004, 20H2, 21H1, 21H2, 22H2.
Compatible for both x64 & x86 system
- How to install
– For using this theme first you need install UltraUXThemePatcher [link]
– Copy all file in “Theme” folder to “%windir%/Resources/Themes”.
– You Need Install OldNewExplorer (Setting Install like picture “OldNewExplorer Setting”).
– Open personalize panel and apply theme.
Nevada Round and Squared Theme For Windows 10
Have 14 Versions + iPack Icon:
[ 12 Version Nevada Round + 12 Version Nevada Squared ]
[ 12 Version Hide CommanBar + 12 Version Show CommanBar ]
Nevada 1 (Taskbar White)
Nevada 2 (Taskbar White)
Nevada 3 (Taskbar White)
Nevada 1 (Taskbar Black)
Nevada 2 (Taskbar Black)
Nevada 3 (Taskbar Black)
Nevada Iconpack Installer
Theme For Chrome
Theme For Firefox
(Buy at Only $9.99)
Gallery Windows 11 Themes [link]
Gallery Windows 10 Themes [link]
Cleodesktop Theme Store
Gallery Windows 11 Themes [link]
Gallery Windows 10 Themes [link]
Cleodesktop Theme Store
Can i use SecureUxTheme with this Theme, because i don’t like UltraUXThemePatcher ?
Yes. You can use SecureUxTheme with this Theme
Can you please make a Tutorial on Youtube with SecureUXTheme, how to use it with your themes, because i am interested for paying this theme? Thank you in Advanced!
I’m interested in buying this theme, but I would kindly ask you to make a video on Youtube how to use SecureUxTheme properly. Thanks in advance!
It here https://youtu.be/Kg75pru_ccc