When You buy theme - In future, if Windows 10 and Windows 11 have Update New Version, I will update theme for new Windows 10 and Windows 11 version and send it free for you.
WARNING: ALWAYS verify that one theme is appropriate for your version of Windows.
For example, you should NEVER use a theme intended for Windows 11 21H2 on Windows 11 22H2.

Note: The version you are using can be found by searching "winver" when pressing "Windows Key" + "R"

Note: Please use 7zip for extract [link].

Windows 11 Dark And Light Theme For Windows 10

by Cleodesktop
Windows 11 Dark And Light Theme For Windows 10

Theme For Windows 10 1607, 1703, 1709, 1803, 1809, 1903, 1909, 2004, 20H2, 21H1, 21H2, 22H2.

Compatible for both x64 & x86 system

  • How to install

– For using this theme first you need install UltraUXThemePatcher [link]
– Copy all file in “Theme” folder to “%windir%/Resources/Themes”.
– You Need Install OldNewExplorer (Setting Install like picture “OldNewExplorer Setting”).
– Open personalize panel and apply theme.

Windows11 Dark And Light Theme For Windows 10


Have 16 Versions + iPack Icon:

[8 Versions Flat Metro Dark  + 8 Versions Flat Metro Light]
Windows 11 Dark 

Support For DPI 100%, 125150%, 175%, 200%, 225%, 250% Scaling
Have 8 Versions + iPack Icon:
[ 4 Version Hide CommanBar + 4 Version Show CommanBar  ]
Windows 11 Dark  (Show Adressbar, Search Bar)
Windows 11 Dark Minimal (Hide Adressbar, Search Bar)


Windows 11 Dark  (Show Adressbar, Search Bar)
Windows 11 Dark Minimal (Hide Adressbar, Search Bar)
Windows 11 iPack Icon

Windows 11 Light

Support For DPI 100%, 125150%, 175%, 200%, 225%, 250% Scaling
Have 8 Versions + iPack Icon:
[ 4 Version Hide CommanBar + 4 Version Show CommanBar  ]
Windows 11  (Taskbar Black)

Windows 11 Minimal (Taskbar Black)

Windows 11  (Taskbar White)
Windows 11 Minimal (Taskbar White)
Windows 11 iPack Icon

(Buy at only $9.99)

Gallery Windows 11 Themes [link]
Gallery Windows 10 Themes [link]
Cleodesktop Theme Store


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